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Our Response To Covid-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the landscape of teaching and learning
for everyone. At Creator Bots we've design some essential guides & resources for creating safe and effective virtual, hybrid or in-person learning experiences.

Virtal Learning
How to get the most out of hybrid learning?
Create projects that will fit in both the physical and virtual classroom, so students learning virtually and in-person can both thrive from learning with Creator Bots. A combination of virtual resources and STEM materials that can be sent to your students help ensure students succeed whether they’re in the classroom or at home.

Hybrid Learing

IN-PERSON learning
Minimize student contact with shared surfaces and objects. Our guide and support sessions help you ensure in-person learning is successful, safe, and fun by incorporating best practices such as partitioning designated areas of the classroom for safety while getting the most out of your robots and avoiding unnecessary contact.
In Perso Learning
Training and Support
With each classroom set purchase, you get 1.5 hours of free training with our experts who help walk you through everything you need to get setup with best practices for teaching with your bots Covid safe. We also set up free support sessions with you to help you with any questions while we help you assess the safety of your real time classroom teaching practices using our Covid safety checklist and protocols.

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