A smaller take on our big idea -
Introducing the Creator Micro-Bot!
We've put all the excitement of our Arduino-powered Creator Mini-Bot into a smaller, all-in-one package, so you can build everything immediately - including our own easy-to-follow, step-by-step curriculum lessons and fun challenges to build, engineer, and code the Micro-Bot!
Recommended for Ages 7-11.
What Can The Mini-Bot Do?

Learning Management System: All of the curriculum for the Creator Bots is housed on our very own LMS and can be found at www.kidslovecode.com. The content in the LMS is interactive! This means that the user can click, drag, slide, and watch to interact with all the lessons and challenges in the curriculum!​
Easy to follow, step-by-step instructions and challenges: Learn coding and engineering in a complete project-based, hands-on package.
Videos: Enjoy the simplicity of learning from watching videos! Dive further into the engineering concepts by watching our handed crafted videos.
3D Printable .STL Files: Using any 3D printer, simply click and print accessories for the Creator Bot! This includes a bumper, spoiler, top shell and fins!
3D Printing Guide: Learn how to 3D print the STL files on any 3D printer and software. The whole idea around 3D printing is all about customization. Learn how to customize your Creator Bot's accessories to look and feel how you want. This includes color, shape, words, and more!

Learning Management System
The Creator Bot curriculum is housed on our very own LMS. The content in the LMS is interactive! This means that the user can click, drag, slide, and watch to learn, answer challenges, & stay engaged.

3D Printing Guide
Learn how to 3D print the STL files on any 3D printer and software. The whole idea around 3D printing is all about customization. Learn how to customize your Creator Bot's accessories to look and feel how you want. This includes color, shape, design, words, and more!

Step-by-Step Instructions
Learn coding and engineering by following step by step lessons with exciting challenges in a complete project-based, hands-on package, complete with formative and summative assessments to track learning on key concepts.

3D .STL Files
Using any 3D printer, simply click and print accessories for the Creator Bot! This includes a bumper, spoiler, top shell and fins!

Video Tutorials
Enjoy the simplicity of learning from watching videos! Dive further into the engineering concepts by watching our hand-crafted videos that explain each lesson step-by-step.

Standards Aligned Curriculum
Each lesson is aligned to specific academic standards established by the CSTA and Next Generation Science Standards NGSS.

What Can The Micro-Bot Do?
Creator Board Microcontroller: Premium open-source Arduino based platform featuring 14 digital input/output pins, and 6 analog inputs.
Motor Driver: Dual motor controller module allows you to control the speed and direction of two DC motors. Space themed challenges test your knowledge!
Ultrasonic Sensor: Ultrasonic sensors measure distance by using ultrasonic waves. The sensor emits an ultrasonic wave and receives the wave reflected back from an object. Ultrasonic sensors are used to help the Creator Bot avoid obstacles.
Line Sensors: Two line sensors provide optimal performance when following a path. The sensors detect reflected light coming from its own infrared LED.
Breadboard: Fundamental component in learning to build circuits. The breadboard is an optimal way to learn circuits and basic engineering!​ LEDs, Buttons, Switches, Potentiometers, and more can be plugged into the breadboard to create complete circuits!

What's In the Box?

​Creator Micro-Bot Frame: The frame is constructed out of 2-Dimensional laser cut ABS plastic. This means your robot is durable and light weight. It can be assembled and disassembled with ease by snapping the frame pieces together. No nuts and bolts required! The frame includes the pieces below.
1x Top Plate
1x Middle Plate
1x Bottom Plate
1x Breadboard Plate
2x Breadboard Mount
2x Arduino Mount
2x Motor Driver Mount
2x Front Motor Mount
2x Rear Motor Mount
7x Strut
1x Ultrasonic Mount
1x Panel Mount
1x Line Sensor Mount
3x Stopper
1x Stud

Curriculum Access Card
Circuit Components: These are components that can be powered and controlled by programming.
1x Creator Board
2x DC Motor
1x Motor Driver
1x Ultrasonic Sensor
2x Line Sensor
4x Slide Switch
4x Potentiometer
4x Tactile Push Button
10x LED
10x 330Ω Resistor
4x 10kΩ Resistor

Structure and Tools: Some aspects of the creator bot require tools to operate.
1x Breadboard
3x Acrylic Plate -White
1x Acrylic Plate -Black
2x Wheel
1x Phillips Head Screwdriver
1x Flathead Screwdriver
40-pin Male-to-Male 20cm Wires
40-pin Male-to-Female 20cm Wires
40-pin Male-to-Female 40cm Wires
​1x USB-B Cord
1x 8-Cell AA Battery Holder
Online Curriculum: Each Creator Bot kit comes with an Access Card that walks you through how to access your online curriculum. Simply follow the instructions on the Access Card and start building your Creator Bot today!
Access Card to the LMS
Build Instructions
Lessons, Examples and Challenges
Video Tutorials
Interactive content
3D Printing Guide

Learn More About the Curriculum
Explore the Creator Bots Family
60 + hours of content
Video tutorials
Lessons and Challenges
Interactive content
Step-by-step programming Instructions
Line or Block programming options
3D printing Guide

Learning Management System (LMS): The Creator Micro-Bot comes with of 60+ hours of content housed on an LMS. The curriculum for this robot can be found at www.kidslovecode.com once you receive your access code.
Block Programming: Program the Creator Micro-Bot with a block-based program called Snap4Arduino. Snap4Arduino is incredibly similar to Scratch and uses Arduino to program the robot.
Self-Paced: The curriculum can be completely self paced or taught in a classroom with a teacher.