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Best books for STEM teachers

Today’s students are tomorrow’s leaders. STEM-related jobs aren’t just some of the best paid of the 21st century, they are also some of the fastest-growing career paths. In consequence, we as teachers must remain up to speed in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, as well as current in many of the other STEM-related fields out in the world.

Helping our students build a solid STEM foundation comes from exposing students to STEM concepts through a well-designed curriculum. And in order to do that, we have to keep constantly updated on new methods, opportunities, apps, and any other relevant tools that can help us enrich our lessons.

Today we are bringing you some of the best research and books dedicated to STEM teaching that you should have in your library!

Successful STEM Education: A Workshop Summary

Authors: National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Board on Testing and Assessment, Board on Science Education, Committee on Highly Successful Schools or Programs for K-12 STEM Education

Summary: “Although much is known about why schools may not succeed, it is far less clear what makes STEM education effective. Successful STEM Education: A Workshop Summary discusses the importance of STEM education. The report describes the primary types of K-12 schools and programs that can support successful education in the STEM disciplines and examines data and research that demonstrate the effectiveness of these school types. It also summarizes research that helps to identify both the elements that make such programs effective and what is needed to implement these elements.”

You can find the eBook or printed book here.

Teaching And Learning STEM: A Practical Guide

Author: Richard M. Felder

Summary: “The book draws on the authors' extensive backgrounds and decades of experience in STEM education and faculty development. Its engaging and well-illustrated descriptions will equip you to implement the strategies in your courses and to deal effectively with problems (including student resistance) that might occur in the implementation.

The strategies presented in Teaching and Learning STEM don't require revolutionary time-intensive changes in your teaching, but rather a gradual integration of traditional and new methods. The result will be continual improvement in your teaching and your students' learning.”

You can find the eBook or printed book here.

From STEM To STEAM: Brain-Compatible Strategies And Lessons That Integrate The Arts

Author: David A. Sousa

Summary: “In this new edition of From STEM to STEAM, the ground-breaking bestseller, the authors provide lessons from the field to detail the way. Authors David Sousa, an expert in educational neuroscience, and Tom Pilecki, veteran arts educator, pool their combined eighty years of expertise to deliver:

  • Research studies in cognitive and social neuroscience, including new findings on how technology is rewiring students’ brains, that demonstrate how arts activities enhance creativity, problem-solving, memory systems, motor coordination, and analytical skills—all critical elements to achieving STEM objectives.

  • Classroom-tested strategies and techniques for integrating the arts into STEM instruction, including sample K-12 lessons plans and planning templates.

  • Tools for building a professional development program designed to helps arts and STEM teachers collaborate to create STEAM lessons.

  • Sample planning frameworks that provide a smooth transition from STEM to STEAM, including advice on adapting STEAM to meet the individual needs and limitations of a school or district.

  • A list of resources available to teachers in the STEM subjects, in the arts, in arts integration, and for STEAM.

The main objective of both art and science is discovery. Lead your students to make that connection and STEAM ahead to academic success!”

You can find the eBook or printed book here.

We hope you’ve found these book references helpful. If you’d like to give us some feedback, add a book recommendation to the list, or learn more about our curriculum, please leave a comment down below.


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